Sunyoung Yoon
Patent Attorney, Kim & Chang
(Former Chief Presiding Administrative Judge, Korean Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (KIPTAB))
Sun-Young Yoon is a patent attorney at Kim & Chang, s pecializing in intellectual property law in chemis try, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals , and biotechnology. She has held key positions in law firms , corporations, and the Korean Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB).
As a patent attorney, her experience includes working at Lee & Ko, Nam & Nam, an d Ladas & Parry, LLC. From 2014 to 2021, s he was the Chief IP Officer at GemVax & Kael, where s he built a global patent portfolio and managed technology investments. From 2021 to 2024, s he s erved as the Chief Pres iding Adminis trative Judge of Board 10 (Convergence Technology) at IPTAB of Korean Intellectual Property Office(KIPO).
Ms . Yoon is als o active in public s ervice, s erving as an Expert Committee Member at the Pres idential Council on Intellectual Property, as Vice Pres ident of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association (KPAA), and as a board member of the Korea Intellectual Property Association (KINPA). Additionally, s he is an adjunct professor at the IP Graduate School and frequently s peaks at IP conferences.